For the first time in four years and since being acquired by Facebook, WhatsApp updated its terms and conditions, as well as its privacy policy. Part of this update includes WhatsApp sharing your account information with Facebook to, among other things, provide better targeted ads.
What information is being shared with Facebook?
The updated WhatsApp FAQ page says that the phone number you used to sign up for WhatsApp with will be shared, as well as the last time you used the service.
Thanks to end-to-end encryption, Facebook will not be able to see your messages, photos or other media you share. Only you and the person you send messages to will ever be able to see that information. And any information that is shared by WhatsApp will not be publicly visible to anyone using Facebook. Meaning, if WhatsApp shares your phone number with Facebook, it won’t fill in the phone number field on your profile and make it visible to anyone.
Why is your information being shared?
The FAQ page says sharing your information with Facebook will help the two companies “coordinate more.” The claim is that it will help them “fight spam and abuse” more efficiently, as well as — and this is likely the bigger and more feasible reason — “improve your experiences within [Facebook] services” through targeted ads.
They say having your number will help them deliver product suggestions from companies “you already work with” versus one you’re not familiar with. How your phone number makes this possible isn’t exactly clear.
Will I start seeing ads in WhatsApp?
No. Well, at least not in the conventional banner ad style. However, WhatsApp is exploring ways to allow businesses to communicate with customers. In the same way that you can interact with your bank via SMS to check account balances or pay your cell phone bill with a text message, WhatsApp wants you to receive information from business, such as receipts for flight information.
The good news is, WhatsApp is (for now) continuing to put you in control. It says, “We do not want you to have a spammy experience; as with all of your messages, you can manage these communications, and we will honor the choices you make.”
Time will tell if being part of Facebook will alter their stance on this, as well.
How can I opt out of sharing my WhatsApp info with Facebook?
If you don’t want Facebook to have your WhatsApp data, it’s simple to opt out.
![How To Stop Whatsapp From Sharing Your Phone Information With Facebook [MUST READ] 2 How To Stop Whatsapp From Sharing Your Phone Information With Facebook [MUST READ] 2]()
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