Keeping of Up With the Kardashian’s matriarch, Kris Jenner was involved in a car crash off the 101 freeway near her home and her white Rolls-Royce collided with a Prius, the force of the impact deployed her airbag and absolutely destroyed the front end.
![Kris Jenner crashes her Rolls Royce in car accident [PHOTOS] 4 Kris Jenner crashes her Rolls Royce in car accident [PHOTOS] 4]()
![Kris Jenner crashes her Rolls Royce in car accident [PHOTOS] 1 Kris Jenner crashes her Rolls Royce in car accident [PHOTOS] 1](
As Jenner drove westbound on Calabasas Rd., a vehicle driving eastbound turned in front of the reality star in an attempt to get on the southbound 101 freeway. See more photos when you continue….
![Kris Jenner crashes her Rolls Royce in car accident [PHOTOS] 2 Kris Jenner crashes her Rolls Royce in car accident [PHOTOS] 2](
![Kris Jenner crashes her Rolls Royce in car accident [PHOTOS] 3 Kris Jenner crashes her Rolls Royce in car accident [PHOTOS] 3](
![Kris Jenner crashes her Rolls Royce in car accident [PHOTOS] 4 Kris Jenner crashes her Rolls Royce in car accident [PHOTOS] 4](