According to a report by Dailymail, the mother, 36, filmed herself having s*x with her 14-year-old son – and sent the mobile phone clips to a family member living abroad.
A court heard she made a video of her carrying out s*x acts with the teenager – and also other images of her three-year-old daughter. The home-made pornography was sent to her cousin in Pakistan who allegedly had asked her to make the material.
The shocking incident was exposed after one of her daughters borrowed her son’s phone – and came across the vile videos.
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Shedding more light on the videos, Prosecutor Ian Kolvin said the first of the videos of the mother and her son contained images of oral s*x and other s*x acts.
‘She was telling him to take the video. It showed full intercourse. It showed the son with his n*ked mother, rubbing her breasts and vaginal area,’ said Mr Kolvin.
When the police seized her mobile phone they discovered indecent images not only of her son but also of her three-year-old daughter.
Mr Kolvin said the woman, of St Mellons, Cardiff, told police in interview that she had agreed to video herself having s*x with her son to please her cousin in Pakistan.
Her son, in a victim impact statement read to the court, said: ‘I feel upset and ashamed of what she did. She should not have done it but I miss her very much.’
Her daughters have expressed concern over their mum’s predicament. Her elder daughter told the court: ‘I worry about my mum.’
Ruth Smith, defending, said her cultural background had made her particularly vulnerable and ‘highly suggestible’.
Miss Smith said she had accepted the situation and ‘her lot in life’.
She said: ‘She appears to be a person that is very anxious to please and she will change accounts in order to satisfy what somebody is asking of her. She is highly suggestible of others.
‘She was subjected to abuse by her husband and that is something she has accepted as her lot in society.’
The woman admitted six counts including sexual activity with a family member, taking and distributing indecent images of a child reflecting 119 images and three movies.
She was jailed for a total of five years. She will have to sign as a s*x offender for life and will be the subject of an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order.