Dramatic pictures shows the violent scuffle between Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan and her playboy ex on a Mykonos beach as the troubled A-lister reveals their relationship is over.

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It was supposed be another sun-kissed step forward for actress Lindsay Lohan – a special Mediterranean break to celebrate a milestone birthday and to start building a rare long-term relationship.
But there is nothing romantic about these disturbing new pictures from the Greek island of Mykonos, where she stayed last month hoping, at last, to put a famously troubled past behind her.
They show an angry, violent altercation between Lindsay and her fiance, Russian playboy Egor Tarabasov. She now admits that he has assaulted her several times before.
The pair were on holiday on the Greek island of Mykonos after the Mean Girls star celebrated her 30th birthday
Miss Lohan threw his mobile phone out of their car and sprinted away towards the beach close to man flying a kite
But the 23-year-old businessman caught up with her and was photographed violently grabbing hold of his fiance
in her only interview since another terrifying episode two weeks ago, this time in London, caused headlines around the world, Lohan admits that a relationship she had hoped would bring marriage and children is violent, unstable and at an end – for the moment at least.
‘I realise now you can’t stay in a relationship just for love,’ she says.
‘No woman can be hit and stay with that person if that person isn’t prepared to say sorry.’
Lohan is reluctant to go into detail about the fight in Mykonos, saying only that she threw Egor’s phone after he took hers. ‘Egor drank too much and he went crazy.’
She explains the events that led to the tussle on the apartment balcony.
‘Egor and I had been out for dinner. We danced, it was fun.
‘When we got home I went to bed and Egor went out. A few hours later he came back and when I woke up he was standing over me. He wasn’t himself, he was being very aggressive and he attacked me.’
‘I wanted to do this interview because it’s time to tell the truth,’ she says. ‘There have been so many lies printed about me recently. I’ve kept quiet for so long but now I’m scared of what Egor might do to me and to himself.’
‘It’s not the first time. That’s the problem. But this time, someone saw. I didn’t call anyone, I’ve dealt with enough police in LA. I just left the house and went to the Connaught [Hotel] for the night. I contacted my good friend [Israeli socialite] Hofit Golan who was in St Tropez. She said, ‘Get on a plane, come and meet me,’ so I did. I needed some time for myself.
‘I’ve spent the past week fishing on my friend Marco Mavilla’s yacht with his lovely family in Sardinia.’
Mavilla is an Italian watch and sunglasses designer. Lohan adds: ‘I’ve been meditating and swimming in the ocean and listening to George Michael’s song, Faith. The lyrics are very apt.’
However, recent months had seen a change in Lohan, and the more optimistic of her fans hoped that by putting Hollywood behind her and settling down away from the public eye in London, her life was starting to recover. She met and became engaged to 23-year-old businessman Tarabasov and there were even rumours she was pregnant. She jokes that her newly visible stomach is the result of pasta and good Mediterranean living.
Now, though, she once again finds herself at the centre of a media firestorm. She is still wearing the four-carat emerald ring Tarabasov proposed with last September.
‘I haven’t taken it off, even after all this,’ she says.
‘The truth is, I wanted to make things work, but now I’m not sure that I can.’
She says that in recent days, she has contacted him to ask him to meet, to talk. Clearly, however, she holds out little hope of a reconciliation at this stage.
‘I need closure,’ she says. ‘I genuinely fell in love with him but he broke my trust and made me feel unsafe.
‘I know I’m not an angel but I’ve tried to fix things. It’s down to him now. I had suggested we go for couples’ counselling but there comes a time when I have to put myself first, my family, and also think about my career which I’ve worked so hard for. I also don’t want to let my fans down by not being the strong woman I have become.’
Right now, she seems more vulnerable than strong, but there was a time when she was tipped for Hollywood greatness.
She rose to fame at the age of 11 when she was chosen to star in Disney’s remake of The Parent Trap, and for the next few years, every film she made, including Freaky Friday and Herbie: Fully Loaded, struck box office gold.
As she grew older, though, her behaviour off-camera – driving under the influence of alcohol, multiple stints in rehab, failing to turn up to work – saw the roles dry up. Instead she was known as the quintessential Hollywood wild-child.
Despite several attempts to reinvigorate her career, it has now been several years since she appeared in a major film.
Instead of movies, the attention she has received has focused on her attempts to conquer her personal demons and her long list of Hollywood lovers, including Justin Timberlake, Orlando Bloom and Colin Farrell.
It probably helped that, in contrast to her famous exes, Tarabasov has nothing to do with the Hollywood high life. He is a business school graduate and the son of wealthy construction firm owner Dmitry Tarabasov, and seemed to be clean living. Lohan says they met in Mykonos last year.
‘We’ve been together nine months, three weeks and two days, and we’ve lived together since the second night I met him,’ she says. ‘He proposed on September 27, 2015, but I waited months before saying anything publicly.’
News of their engagement was reported in April, when she was spotted wearing her engagement ring.
‘We planned to marry in Lake Como next May. We should both be in Italy looking at wedding venues right now,’ she says, breaking down again.
‘All I wanted was to get married and settle down. I’ve always wanted four kids and Egor and I talked about having a family.’
Cracks began to show last month with the furious row on Mykonos.
Then came several worrying posts on social media, including a flurry of tweets Lindsay sent after Egor spent a night partying with Russian designer and socialite Dasha Pashevkina. Lindsay accused Egor of cheating on her. Jealousy has clearly been an issue – perhaps for both of them. ‘I shouldn’t have said things about Dasha. I’ve apologised to her,’ Lindsay says.
What an absolutely disgusting urchin he is. He should have been arrested and thrown in jail. There is no reason for any man to ever lift his hand to a woman. I find his behaviour a disgrace to all men. He is obviously a thug.