Orlando Bloom doesn’t seem like he is too upset about those photos of him wearing nothing at all at the beach… because he has done it again!
![Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 8 Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 8]()
![Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 1 Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 1](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/36EE243400000578-3727064-Pucker_up_The_pair_locked_lips_and_share_plenty_of_laughs_in_the-a-293_1470513571521.jpg)
The 39-year-old actor was spotted baring his butt and nearly going full frontal during a PDA-filled afternoon at a public beach with girlfriend Katy Perry days after the other photos were taken.
Orlando was seen smothering Katy with kisses, fondling her breasts, and cuddling with her on a chaise lounge on the sand
Peep pictures when you continue….
![Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 2 Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 2](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/36EE148600000578-3727064-Hold_me_close_The_hot_couple_waded_further_out_to_sea_and_when_t-a-284_1470513511076.jpg)
![Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 3 Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 3](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/36EE167500000578-3727064-Steamy_The_pair_packed_on_the_PDA_as_a_pregnant_woman_sat_just_i-a-285_1470513518310.jpg)
![Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 4 Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 4](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/orlando-bloom-butt-pictures.jpg)
![Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 5 Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 5](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/orlando-bloom-kissing-katy-perry-at-the-beach.jpg)
![Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 6 Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 6](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/orlando-bloom-naked-at-the-beach.jpg)
![Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 7 Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 7](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/orlando-bloom-naked.jpg)
![Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 8 Orlando Bloom Strips Down at the Beach Again, Gets overly touchy with Katy Perry [PHOTOS] 8](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/orlando-bloom-squeezing-katy-perry-breasts.jpg)
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