This is the shocking moment a father laughed as he forced his 10-month-old baby to drink beer from a glass bottle in India.
![Shocking moment father laughs as he forces his 10-month-old baby to drink BEER in India [VIDEO] 4 Shocking moment father laughs as he forces his 10-month-old baby to drink BEER in India [VIDEO] 4]()
![Shocking moment father laughs as he forces his 10-month-old baby to drink BEER in India [VIDEO] 1 Shocking moment father laughs as he forces his 10-month-old baby to drink BEER in India [VIDEO] 1](
Smartphone footage starts with the young child crawling around the house in the city of Chennai in the south-east of the country.
The father gets down on the floor and hands the baby two bottles as he smiles and looks up at the mother who is holding the camera.
The video, which was widely shared on social media, shows how the man first pretends to give the youngster a swig of the beer, but the bottle cap is still on.
He then bites off the cap before placing the drink to the child’s mouth. Later in the footage he pushes the baby’s head towards the bottle….Watch the video when you continue…
![Shocking moment father laughs as he forces his 10-month-old baby to drink BEER in India [VIDEO] 2 Shocking moment father laughs as he forces his 10-month-old baby to drink BEER in India [VIDEO] 2](
![Shocking moment father laughs as he forces his 10-month-old baby to drink BEER in India [VIDEO] 3 Shocking moment father laughs as he forces his 10-month-old baby to drink BEER in India [VIDEO] 3](
![Shocking moment father laughs as he forces his 10-month-old baby to drink BEER in India [VIDEO] 4 Shocking moment father laughs as he forces his 10-month-old baby to drink BEER in India [VIDEO] 4](
There is another brown-coloured bottle that the child can be seen trying to drink from.