His Royal Highness Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku, Eze afu enyi amaru enyi, Eze Ndigbo na Malaysia, is dead.
![Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 8 Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 8]()
![Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 1 Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 1](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/eze-ndigbo-na-malaysia-dead.jpg)
The head of Nigerian Igbo’s in Malaysia known by his numerous Chieftancy titles ochendo 1 na Ozubulu, igwe omekagu, ikemba in anioma kingdom, eze afuenyi amara Enyi na Ozubulu, died today without any sign of sickness or illness.
One of his friends Engineer Charles Nnamani wrote:
READ: OMG! Nigerian Man And Girlfriend Involved In Ghastly Accident After Clubbing In Malaysia [PHOTOS]
Ur death ? today is a big mystery, today is the most & worst Sunday in my life here, black Sunday indeed, no sickness at all, even doctors don’t believe it,God knows whatever happened to you my man & mentor. This is chief izuchukwu nwajiaku, eze ndigbo 1 na Malaysia, ochendo 1 na Ozubulu, igwe omekagu, ikemba in anioma kingdom, eze afuenyi amara Enyi na Ozubulu, go well my brother, father & friend, shame to u all the wicked ppl
With his beautiful wife turned widow Ifunnaya.
![Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 5 Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 5](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/eze-ndigbo.jpg)
![Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 6 Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 6](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/eze-ndigbo-malaysia-is-dead.jpg)
![Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 7 Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 7](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/eze-ndigbo-malaysia-dead.jpg)
![Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 8 Eze Ndigbo In Malaysia Igwe Izuchukwu Nwajiaku Is Dead [PHOTOS] 8](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/eze-ndigbo-malaysia-wife.jpg)
Sad, may his soul rest in peace!
so sad
This article sounds great and worthy of commenting on. I think I should ask for your permission to share this content. Thanks once again.
Eyaa. RIP
Thanks a lot for this nice article, it was really of a good help to me
Gone too soon