A man who tried to buy 2 bags of rice with fake money has been taught a lesson after his attempt at swindling the trader failed.
![Man Who Bought 2 Bags Of Rice With Fake Money Mobbed In Lagos [PHOTOS] 3 Man Who Bought 2 Bags Of Rice With Fake Money Mobbed In Lagos [PHOTOS] 3]()
![Man Who Bought 2 Bags Of Rice With Fake Money Mobbed In Lagos [PHOTOS] 1 Man Who Bought 2 Bags Of Rice With Fake Money Mobbed In Lagos [PHOTOS] 1](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ricelag1.jpg)
The incident happened at Abaranje Lagos.
The middle-aged man was beaten by a group of angry youths who threatened to lynch him for the criminal act amidst a period of economic recession in Nigeria.
It is not clear if the culprit was handed over to the police.
See more photos below:
![Man Who Bought 2 Bags Of Rice With Fake Money Mobbed In Lagos [PHOTOS] 2 Man Who Bought 2 Bags Of Rice With Fake Money Mobbed In Lagos [PHOTOS] 2](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ricelag2.jpg)
![Man Who Bought 2 Bags Of Rice With Fake Money Mobbed In Lagos [PHOTOS] 3 Man Who Bought 2 Bags Of Rice With Fake Money Mobbed In Lagos [PHOTOS] 3](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ricelag3.jpg)