Popular sisnger HarrySong has revealed the face of his female stalker on Instagram.
![Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 8 Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 8]()
![Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 1 Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 1](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/5star-singer-harrysong-2.jpg)
Harrysong shared screenshots of messages he got from his stalker via Instagram direct message.
According to him, the lady who goes by Misssongz on Instagram threatened to kill him after he ignored her pleas for sex.
“This has been going on for like a month now.. there’s a Lady I thought was a fan. She started with all the compliments ,appreciating my music and brand.. then progressed to saying she’s in love with me..then progressed to request for sex..and now she’s even threatening to kill me if she doesn’t ve me on her bed,”
![Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 2 Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 2](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/harrysong-instagram-1.jpg)
![Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 3 Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 3](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/harrysong-instagram-2.jpg)
![Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 4 Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 4](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/harrysong-instagram-3.jpg)
![Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 5 Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 5](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/harrysong-instagram-4.jpg)
![Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 6 Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 6](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/harrysong-instagram-5.jpg)
![Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 7 Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 7](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/harrysong-instagram-6.jpg)
![Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 8 Singer Harrysong calls out a female stalker trying to kill him [PHOTO] 8](https://www.kanyidaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Harry-song5.jpg)