If you live in the tropics like I do you’ll come to value clothes that let your breathe and don’t suffocate you almost as much as you value clothes that leave you looking like a fashion slayer because the tropical heat is not something anyone wants to mess around with. This leads to choosing shirts and trousers with light weight fabric that let in enough air to get you through the day but personally, what helps gets me through most days in the occasionally unbearable heat of a tropical sub Saharan country like Nigeria is ditching my full length trousers most days and seeking comfort in shorts.
The best part about shorts is the fact that they let your legs breathe and are super comfortable without compromising on style rather they probably help you look even better and more stylish than you regularly look and few people pull off shorts like Noble Igwe. The fashionable influencer and creative is none for his many successful creative endeavours in the media industry almost as much as he is known for his badass and clean style. His ability to go from rocking an ankara suit to a ripped jeans with shirt is one of his many skills and one that makes him the Man Crush of many ladies and gentlemen. So if you want to rock a pair of shorts but you’re clueless on how to style it don’t fret, Noble Igwe got you covered.
Scroll down to see eight times Noble Igwe rocked shorts and slayed it!
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