IPOB Members Disrupt Church Service Over Prayer For Peaceful Election In 2019 [Photos/Video]

Tobias Sylvester
By Tobias Sylvester

IPOB Members Disrupt Church Service Over Prayer For Peaceful Election In 2019 [Photos/Video] 1

There was chaos at Christ the King Cathedral, (CKC) in Aba, Abia state after members of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) went berserk and vehemently opposed a prayer request by the Reverend Father, for a peaceful election in 2019.

IPOB Members Disrupt Church Service Over Prayer For Peaceful Election In 2019 [Photos/Video] 2

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It was reported that the Reverend Father instructed the church members to pray for a peaceful election in Nigeria in 2019, but the pro-Biafra activists suspected to be members of the IPOB protested, insisting that there will be no election in “Biafra land” (Southeast Nigeria).

IPOB Members Disrupt Church Service Over Prayer For Peaceful Election In 2019 [Photos/Video] 3

According to them, there will be no election in Igbo land as stated by their leader Nnamdi Kanu – till referendum is conducted as they raised the group’s (IPOB) flag and also American flags while causing commotion during the service.

The Biafra loyalists could be heard singing: “Holy Holy Holy Nnamdi Kanu is our saviour,” causing a commotion in the church.

Watch the video below:

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Tobias Sylvester is the news editor for Kanyi Daily News and is based in Lagos.Contact Tobias at [email protected] a confidential tip? Submit it here
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