Slow mobile internet can give a frustrating experience to anyone. Imagine scanning a code to pay someone, but because of the slow internet, you cannot do so. Sometimes, the problem is with mobile data connectivity. However, often, how you handle your phone is to be blamed, especially if your smartphone is running slow, even in the general form.
If you are frustrated with the slow internet in your smartphone and looking to speed up, here are a few tips to try.
How to speed up internet connection on your phone
Clear The Cache
Cache not only consumes a lot of internet storage speed but can also slow down the internet speed. Furthermore, it weighs down the processing speed of the smartphone. Try clearing out the cache in your smartphone. You can check the difference in the internet speed later on Speed Test to confirm whether cache clearing gave the internet speed a boost or not.
Turn Off Auto Update
Auto update is a time savior; however, it has some cons. Most of the time, the app updates keep taking place in the background if you have switched on the auto-update feature. However, at the same time, it slows down your phone and, further, consumes plenty of internet data. We recommend you manually update the apps on your smartphone, especially if the slow internet is bothering you. You can also update your smartphone’s apps when connected to a Wi-Fi network.
Close The Unused Apps
It is common for smartphone manufacturers to advertise the phone as a device that can run multiple apps simultaneously. Even though your smartphone can run numerous apps simultaneously, you should refrain from engaging in the same. Use Google Fiber to check how multiple running apps on your smartphone can slow down the internet speed. The more apps you run in the background, the slower the internet speed. Therefore, try closing down the apps which are not in use.
Use Lite Versions Of Apps
Many mobile developers offer a lite version of their app. Even though it does not affect the internet speed, it efficiently uses the available bandwidth. The lite apps and browsers require less data and, comparatively, work better even when your smartphone is running on slow internet speed.
Uninstall Unnecessary Apps
Some apps keep running in the background, consuming internet bandwidth even when you are not using them. All the apps that you do not use belong to the category of unnecessary apps. Uninstall these apps to free up your device’s storage space and boost the internet speed.
Turn On Text Mode On Browsers
If you do not need to look at any pictures while browsing, we recommend you turn on the text mode in the browser. However, not all browsers allow it, but most do. The text mode dramatically enhances the internet speed and downloads the content faster. Also, it switches the focus only on the text, and a lot of data is saved too.
Use An Ad Blocker
Many websites end up showing advertisements to users to earn money. The pop-up ads affect the internet speed because they reduce the website’s loading speed. You can use an ad blocker to get rid of the pop–up advertisement. Such apps are readily available on Google Play Store. Even though numerous apps offer such a service, we recommend you select the best one available in the market.
Switch Off And On Your Smartphone
Sometimes simply switching off and on your smartphone can fix the internet connection. When you restart your smartphone, it refreshes itself. If switching off and on your smartphone is not an option, you can simply turn on the flight mode and switch it off back again.
Choose Wi-Fi Over Mobile Data
If your network does not inherently support a high internet speed, choose Wi-Fi instead of mobile data. Many places support public Wi-Fi. You can use them; however, stay cautious while using public Wi-FI.
When using your home wifi, your phone’s internet might still be slow if your internet provider doesn’t provide fast internet. In this case, you should consider switching to high-speed providers like Frontier Internet for quality Wi-Fi coverage at home
A high internet speed is essential to perform day-to-day activities smoothly. Use these tips to give the internet speed of your smartphone a boost. Also, with the rollout of 5G, you can expect better internet speed. If 5G is available in your area, but the smartphone does not support 5G, we recommend you upgrade your smartphone to utilize the benefits of the 5G network.
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