Tacha, a former BBNaija housemate, has slammed Seyi Awolowo, one of the recently ousted housemates on the BBNaija All Stars episode.
Tacha and Seyi have been feuding since the BBNaija Pepper Dem Season. Tacha turned to social media during the ongoing BBNaija All Stars episode to share her misgivings about Seyi. On several occasions, she confronted the jury and his admirers for saving him on the reality TV show. It appears that when Seyi was ejected from the show, he was shown all of Tacha’s diss posts about him.
In a recent interview, he slammed Tacha, stating she assumed the show’s producers would call her for the All Stars house, but they didn’t.
Tacha caught her sub and used her X handle to take a whack at him this evening. According to her, the Awolowo name and his repetition on the show had no effect on Seyi.
READ ALSO: Seyi Law mocks Atiku, Obi’s supporters after Tinubu’s victory
She released a throwback video from the Pepper Dem season reunion in which she declared that what she had accomplished at 23, Seyi had not accomplished at his age, and that if it hadn’t been for Big Brother, he would not have come near.
Posting the video, she wrote;
‘’And nothing HAS CHANGED!!! Even with your Awolowo name AND A RERUN Of the show you no still reach!!! Dragging you NOT ON A PODCAST But ON MY OWN SHOW!!! Snaiyee YOU CANT RELATE!!!
Running around the excuse of “OLD
SCHOOL!!!” you’re a sorry excuse of a man!! Grooming sons to run trains on peoples daughters and you think you’re mentally OKAY?! you’re running maad na to naked remain!!”
![Even with your Awolowo name and rerun of the show you no still reach - Tacha drags Seyi Awolowo 2 Even with your Awolowo name and rerun of the show you no still reach - Tacha drags Seyi Awolowo 2]()
![Even with your Awolowo name and rerun of the show you no still reach - Tacha drags Seyi Awolowo 3 Even with your Awolowo name and rerun of the show you no still reach - Tacha drags Seyi Awolowo 3]()
Kanyidaily recalls that Tacha Slams Mike Edwards As He Distances Himself From Seyi comment.